Chihiro Tohda. Axonal repairing approach to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: from basic study to clinical study for realizing new botanical medicines日中ハイレベル研究者交流会~日中における天然薬物研究の現状および最新の進歩~. 2023, 11, 30 (東京)
Chihiro Tohda. Social implementation taking advantage of Borderline of Pharmaceuticals to Non-pharmaceuticals -Diosgenin improves cognition in Alzheimer’s disease model mice and humans-. The 10th International Congress of Asian Society of Toxicology (ASIATOX-X). 2023, 7, 17-20 (Taipei)
Chihiro Tohda. Diosgenin improves memory in Alzheimer’s disease – Axonal reprojection mechanism and validation in clinical studies. 第64回日本神経病理学会総会学術研究会/第66回日本神経化学会大会合同大会 ISN/JSNジョイントシンポジウム “Alzheimer’s disease research in Neurochemistry led by woman scientists” 2023, 7, 6 – 8 (神戸)
Yang X, Tohda C. Diosgenin-induced reduction of HSC70 results in axonal regeneration and improvement of memory function in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. 8th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 2018, 7, 1-6 (Kyoto)
Tohda C., Yang X. Cognitive enhancement by diosgenin treatment. Society for Neuroscience 47th Annual Meeting (Neuroscience 2017) 2017, 11, 11 – 15 (Washington DC, USA)
Yang X., Tohda C. Diosgenin restores axonal degeneration via the reduction of HSC70, resulting in improvement of memory function in Alzheimer’s disease. Society for Neuroscience 47th Annual Meeting (Neuroscience 2017) 2017, 11, 11 – 15 (Washington DC, USA)
Yang X., Tohda C. Diosgenin improves memory function in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease via the reduction of HSC70. 第40回日本神経科学会大会 2017, 7, 20 – 23 (千葉)
Yang X, Kuboyama T, Tohda C. Reduction of HSC70 relates to diosgenin-induced memory improvement in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Society for Neuroscience 46th Annual Meeting (Neuroscience 2016) 2016, 11, 12 – 16 (San Diego, USA)
東田千尋、 平成28年度 日本薬学会学術振興賞受賞講演(The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Award for Divisional Scientific Promotions ‘16) 神経変性疾患の新しい治療戦略に関する研究(Novel therapeutic strategies for neurodegenerative diseases) 2016,3,29 (横浜)
Yang X, Kuboyama T, Tohda C. Diosgenin decreases the expression of HSC70 and improves memory function in Alzheier’s disease model mice. 第58回日本神経化学会大会2015, 9, 11-13 (大宮)
Tohda C., Yang X. Lee Y-A., Goto Y., Nemere I. The mechanism of diosgenin-induced cognitive enhancement in Alzheimer’s disease model mice and normal mice. Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting (Neuroscience 2014) 2014, 11, 15 – 19 (Washington DC, USA)
Tohda C, Traditional Medicine-based Drug Development: our approach to new therapeutic strategies for neurodegenerative diseases. The 14th International Symposium on Traditional Medicine in Toyama 2014. 2014, 10, 27-28
Tohda C., Lee Y-A., Goto Y., Nemere I. Diosgenin-induced cognitive enhancement in normal mice is mediated by 1,25D3-MARRS. 第37回日本神経科学大会, 2014, 9, 11 – 13 (横浜)
Tohda C, Urano T, Umezaki M, Kuboyama T. Diosgenin is an exogenous activator of 1,25D3-MARRS (Pdia3/ERp57) and improves memory dysfunction and axonal degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease model 5XFAD mice. Neuro 2013、2013, 6, 20-23 (京都)
Tohda C, Urano T, Umezaki M, Nemere I, Kuboyama T, Diosgenin is an exogenous activator of 1,25D3-MARRS (Pdia3/ERp57) and improves memory dysfunction and axonal degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease model 5XFAD mice. Neuroscience 2012, 2012,10,13-17, (New Orleans, USA)
Tohda C, Natural medicine study aiming to explore therapeutic strategies for neurodegenerative diseases. International Symposium on Biomedicine and Drug-Development. Nanotechnology: from Bench to Enduser. 2012,9,25, (Basel, Switzerland)
Tohda C: Natural medicine study aiming to explore therapeutic strategies for neurodegenerative diseases. 21st Symposium on Dementia. 2012,4,15 (Seoul, Korea)
Urano T., Tohda C.,: Improvement of memory deficits by diosgenin in Alzheimer’s disease model mice and the molecular mechanism underlying the effect. Neuroscience 2010,2010, 11,13-17(SanDiego, USA)
Urano T., Tohda C.,: Improvement of memory deficits by diosgenin in Alzheimer’s disease model mice and the molecular mechanism underlying the effect. Neuro2010 2010,9,2-4(神戸)